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St Paul's RC Church, 1651 Shettleston Road G32 9AR | Email: | Phone: 0141 552 2945
We are a thriving community of Nigerian Catholics living in Glasgow and its Environs. We promote the quarterly Nigerian Mass and a host of other religious activities including Retreats, Pilgrimages, and our vibrant way of worship.
Upcoming Quarterly Nigerian Mass
5th March 2017
1st July 2017
Annual Lenten Retreat
​With Bishop John Keenan
Venue: St Fergus Catholic Church Paisley
Date: 8th April 2017
You can support the Nigerian Catholic Community Glasgow and Environs by now making a donation or setting up a Standing order contribution to our account:
Account Details:
Account name: Nigerian Catholic Community Glasgow and Environs
Sortcode: 80-22-60
Account no: 12407469
Bank: Bank of Scotland
or email for other payment arrangements.
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